Category: Equipment
6″ Belt/Disk Sander
Craftsman 103.27280 be/t/Disk sander
Large Arbor Press
Some of our smaller arbor presses can be seen in the background
Drill Press
We share this between the wood and metal shops
Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner
Jump Shear
USB Oscilloscope
DreamSourceLab DScope, 2 channel
DSView (software that runs the DScope) user guide
Purchased with a grant from the MassDevelopment Collaborative Workspace Program.
USB Logic Analyzer
DreamSourceLab DSLogic Plus, 400 MHz, 16 channel USB logic analyzer
User manual for DSView (the software that runs the DSLogic)
Purchased with a grant from the MassDevelopment Collaborative Workspace Program.
3D scanner with IPAD mini
Occipital Structure Sensor (original)
Purchased with a grant from the MassDevelopment Collaborative Workspace Program.
Member owned: David K.