Stitch’n Bitch, make Pussyhats

Wednesday, March 5, during Open House (7-9PM) in the Fiber Arts Lab.

Join us for an evening Stitch ‘n Bitch* as we make Pussyhats in “honor” of the newly inaugurated Rapist-in-Chief and his band of fellow sexual assaulters. You probably got rid of the one you made for the last iteration (whoever thought we would need them again!), or it is well worn and you’re due for a reboot. It is guaranteed to get plenty of wear over the next four years.

I have 20+ skeins of donated pink worsted weight yarn, and I can’t think of a better use. We have some knitting needles and crochet hooks, but bring your own if you have them. We also have some bright pink fleece for those of you who would rather sew. For patterns:

And if you can’t knit, crochet or sew, you can always just bitch. Misery loves company. We will have light refreshments.

See you there.

Maria (she/they)

*Stitch ‘n Bitch is a name that has been used to refer to social knitting groups since at least World War II.[1] Before the slang term “Stitch ‘n Bitch” was used, groups of women in the 1940s would join to knit and talk in organized Stitch and Bitch clubs.

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