Yarn Flower Community Art Project
Update:Still planning to do this but delayed due to COVID.
Framingham MakerSpace, with the support of the mayor’s office, is organizing an art project created by members of the community at large. We will be installing a field of crochet flowers in the Arlington Street Park in May.
Everyone is invited to participate. Make large flowers crocheted or knitted out of yarn, any colors or design. Ideally, we will use up odd lots and yarn left over from other projects. No need to buy yarn.
This is a great way to keep productive while we stay home (kids too!) and gives us all something to look forward to.
Flowers may be left at the Calahan Center, the Framingham Public Library and the McAuliffe branch as well as the MakerSpace once they are reopened.
We are happy to announce that Sudbury Valley Trustees is also partnering with us to highlight the crisis facing pollinators. https://www.svtweb.org/make-your-own-native-flowers
For more information contact Maria at mdefelice@rcn.com